Sunday 16 October 2011

The End of The Garden

It's been a long while since I've posted!
Too long. So here's what's been happening since August (in the garden for now)!
My tomato plants took a weird cue from the cooling weather and each shot up a few feet in every direction. pretty weird. And now, I have TONS of green tomatoes that won't have enough time to ripen before the inevitable frost.
So here's the first update, some stuff I picked today, but nowhere near all the green tomatoes.
I guess I'm gonna have to do a lot of pickling, and fried green tomatoes! Maybe green salsa?
I've actually come to love fried green tomatoes since I've made them a few times from fallen green tomatoes, and I LOVE anything deep fried. The last time I made fried green tomatoes, I also made breadcrumb-coated fried avocado, broccoli, and ripe Roma tomatoes. I used specifically Roma, because they aren't that juicy. They were pretty good. The green ones are my favorite though.

So here's what I picked today, and brought in out of the cold:

Here's the recipe I use for fried green tomatoes, it's kind of cheating, and I'm sure it's better with buttermilk and corn meal. I'll try a more interesting one soon!
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