Monday 15 August 2011

Dandelion Coffee Part Deux

Time for part two!
But first, I forgot to mention in part one a general rule about dandelions (or any weeds, really): 
NEVER use dandelions from anywhere that might have been sprayed with pesticides! Only use dandelions from your own property where you know what is being sprayed or done to the plants you're ingesting.
Safe eating!

Anyways, back to the recipe.
So where I left off I had the roots washed and cut up and ready to go.
I put the roots in a food processor to chop 'em up quickly and easily.

It only takes a few seconds 'till they're like this:

After they were all ground up, I spread them onto a cookie sheet in a very thin layer so they'd dry evenly.

So much brown!
For the roasting part:
I preheated the oven to 250° F and put the baking pan in for around 2 hours. Mine took a little less than that, and you should stir them up a bit, so they dry evenly and don't burn.

I actually forgot about them while on a walk with a friend, and had to race home terrified of finding them completely burnt.
I am extremely lucky that when I got back they were fine, and actually perfectly roasted and ready to come out of the oven. (This recipe also says to keep the oven door open while roasting to release the moisture, but I had no problem keeping it closed since it's so hot.) 

I scraped it all off the tin foil, and poured them into a mason jar ( I'm trying to find ways to use them I have tons) to keep it all fresh.
Oh, I forgot! you're supposed to brew it like tea. I put a tbsp in hot water and I'm letting it brew, then straining the grounds out.
These grinding and cooking directions were incredibly helpful.
Now I just have to brew some and taste it to see if the whole endeavor was worth it.

Brewed and tasted! Now that I've seen the final product I feel like I should be calling this post "Dandelion Tea" not coffee, I don't really see the resemblance between the two in taste or in colour. But I do love the taste! It needs a tiny bit of honey or sugar, but I love it.

The final product:
The left one is from a coffeemaker, the right brewed like tea. I noticed the brewed one was darker, but also more bitter.

I think tomorrow I'm going to add some cinnamon while brewing it. The second time I made it in my coffeemaker and it's easier and less bitter than brewing it like tea.
I'm super glad it was worth all the work in the end.

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