Sunday 14 August 2011


So, I have tons of large dandelions growing all over my backyard. I had no further work to do in my garden yesterday so I decided to pick all the large dandelion leaves I could find and make a salad or something.

Mmmm free healthy green leafy veggies. . .   

I ended up making dandelion chips (much like kale chips) which are super easy to make, which is great because I wasn't up for stir frying or washing a wok at midnight.

Here's how to make them:
After washing the leaves thoroughly, break them into pieces (the leafier the better, get rid of most of the stem), and drizzle a little olive oil over them and place them on a parchment paper-covered cookie sheet.
Then it's in the oven for about 10 minutes on 350-375° F. 
Make sure to check them, so they don't burn! They cook pretty darn fast. Garnish with sea salt and really any other spice you want.
Here's the full recipe.
Before...and no after picture, they were devoured upon coming out of the oven.   
And here are some other things to do with dandelions: Make caffeine-free coffee, salads, and more.

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