Friday 26 August 2011


I have a one sweet banana pepper plant in my garden, and one jalapeno pepper plant. I have gotten so many peppers from these two plants, I didn't know what to do with them all! 
So I decide to give pickling another shot. I cut up the jalapenos and a few banana peppers and put them in one jar along with some green cherry tomatoes that fell after my potted cherry tomato fell over and broke a few branches. I tried to leave the banana peppers on as long as possible to turn orange, but they seemed just just get yellow or start rotting so  I picked them all at once, and decided to make my own pepperoncini.  I had some extra vinegar pickling stuff left when I was done filling the jars of my peppers, so I decided to make some pickles, and see how they turn out. I didn't have any actual dill for the cumbers, but hopefully they'll be tasty.

 I used equal parts cider vinegar to water (1 3/4 cups each),
2 cloves of garlic chopped up,
3 tsp of kosher salt, 
2 tsp of sugar
about 2 tbsp of pickling spice I bought 
(basically cardamon seeds, black pepper, dill seed, and other strange things)

Be warned that I haven't tried what the peppers taste like, but I based what I did on a few different recipes.
For these, don't refrigerate, but leave out in a warm-ish area in your house for a week or more.
For next year, when (hopefully) I'll have many more peppers and cucumbers I really want this.

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