Sunday 28 August 2011

Unexpected Harvest

As I said in a post or two ago, nothing looked like it was gonna be ripe for the next few days at least, but I just went out to water and found out I was mistaken. I guess the plants were in dire need of fertilizing because I did so a few days ago, and each of the tomato plants have actually grown a foot taller and bushier, and so many are ripe! The same with all the peppers (hot and sweet)! And the Ichiban eggplants have grown tons of new leaves and flowers! Nice surprises are always great in the garden, they sure beat out finding squirrels have discovered your plants and dug in your pots. Which are the kind of surprises I'm used to.

So here's today's harvest.
dried cayenne
cayenne seeds saved!
Even more tomatoes, I just find the different colours so pretty. One cherry tomato plant I have growing was labelled Black Cherry Tomato but sadly it was mislabeled and they're just extremely large cherries.

Some more of the garden:
The darn squirrels keep munchin' on my aloe

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