Sunday 28 August 2011

Garden Update

Things seem to still be blooming and growing new fruit constantly, but right now besides tomatoes, nothing's really ready to be picked for a while. My zucchinis keep growing baby ones, but the past three times they decided not to actually grow fully, but turn yellow and fall off. The bell peppers seem to have finally started producing lots of little ones, which is great. I was worried I wouldn't get any bell peppers this season because until recently they weren't even flowering and it's already August.
So here's a few plants.
jalapenos, red pepper (not ripe), and sweet banana
'Super sweet 100' cherries, green peppers, and the surprise tomatoes. 

Eggplant, the surprise weed tomatoes, and cherry toms.

While picking my eggplants, I discovered that the top green part of eggplants and the plant itself had thorns/ spikes all over it! I was not expecting that and was pretty surprised. 'Tis hard to pick something with a top of spikes.
I don't know if it'll be obvious from this picture but...spikes!
On the left side, a thorn! Ahh.
 Anyhoo here are some tomatoes I picked today. Mmmm. These golden ones are so delicious and sweet I've picked about five or more a day since the plant started producing (and eaten then right after)! I'm going to try out saving seeds from tomatoes ( which is more complicated than things like peppers and herbs) when the season ends so I can get a plant similar to this one. It's so hardy and amazing.
Mmm so delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Garden looks gorgeous, as usual. I can vouch for how delicious those yellow tomatoes are.


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