Monday 22 August 2011

Garden Update and Dandelion Stir Fry

It's been a few days since I've posted,
so here are some updated garden pictures, and yet another recipe for dandelions!

So many colouursss

I  finally bought a tea ball. I've wanted one for a long time and I decided I needed one for my mint and dandelion root grounds, so I bought this adorable one from David's Tea. I love the little grapefruit weight at the end of the chain!


Dandelion (and a bit of kale) stir fry!     
 The stir fry. I served it with kale, fried eggs and tomato with some pita to scoop up the yolk for dinner. Mmmm.
Easy dandelion stir-fry:
What you will need: Washed dandelion leaves, oil, garlic, and ginger.

- In a wok (or whatever you want to use for stir-frying) put in some cooking oil. Not much, just to fry the garlic.
- 2-3 cloves of garlic cut up as small as possible. Add after the oil heats up a bit. Make sure it doesn't burn.
(Feel free to use less garlic, I love fried garlic)
- While the garlic is cooking add some (or lots) of ginger to taste,
- Add the dandelion leaves, and stir it all up. If it's taking a while to cook thoroughly, put a tiny bit of water in and a lid over the wok to steam the leaves. Might need some salt.
Goes really well over rice or with eggs!
What I picked today. Yay peppers!
 Also it turns out the squirrels have discovered my backyard garden and have been digging in the pots (major Grrr). So I (with some help) cut up some of the habaneros and put them everywhere to guard against further squirrel attacks. Also put some cayenne pepper along the fence for good measure. I hate squirrels. I hope the peppers will scare 'em away.

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