Monday 22 August 2011

Tomato Branch Transplant

     I have a couple of tomato plants that were passed onto me from a friend who had no room for them in her garden when we were planting it a month or so ago. She didn't know what kind they were (she also got them from a friend), and looked a bit sickly so I didn't think much of them at the time when planted them into the only plastic pots I had left which were pretty tiny. I didn't expect them to survive very long.
   They surprised me and have grown huge! I never put up any stakes or cages for them so they kind of grew into each other into a bush. Now they are actually growing pretty inneresting tomatoes, some pear shaped and others looking like they might be beefsteak!
   Last week there was a crazy storm here and we got quite a bit of hail, which bruised up one of my zucchinis and knocked some of the tomatoes over, which cracked a branch that looked like it was about to flower off the stem of one of the plants. I decided maybe I could keep it in water, and it would maybe survive a bit like a flower and maybe in that time so roots would grow, since I've seen tomato plants grow roots all along its branches high above the soil.

And it worked!
After a day, there were small bumps on the bottom two inches of the stem, and after two days, tiny roots started to form! This was after four or five days. I potted it into soil and out it back outside, since it started to look like it needed more sun, which it wasn't getting so much of outside. Next time I'd keep it in water longer, since the roots aren't very fully developed.
It's now outside, and so far so good!

1 comment:

  1. Aren't plants fabulous! It was so cool seeing how this grew from tiny hairs to full-on roots.


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