Friday 26 August 2011

Fried Eggplant

    Three of my eggplants have ripened! although they're all supposed to be a lot bigger, I'm not so surprised they're so small since I have them in pots that aren't big enough. Two are Ichiban (although they don't look like it) and one is Italian.
(Two of the three)
 I fried them after first salting them, then brushing them with olive oil. The way I salt eggplant is to put down some paper towel, sprinkle salt on them and then put down the sliced eggplant. I then salt the side facing up, and put more paper towels (one layer) on top and letting them sit for anywhere from 5 to30 minutes, however long I need to prepare anything else. The paper towel will get a bit wet from the eggplant, that should happen. I do this because apparently this process takes out any bitterness when you fry/barbeque the eggplant. My favorite way to cook eggplant is to do this and then BBQ it, but my barbeque broke a month ago. Super sad, I look forward to BBQing all winter. Frying the eggplant is a very close second though.

1 comment:

  1. Never had BBQ'd eggplant, but those look like pretty equally tasty.


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